Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Kyle Brungs

blog post 5

Comparing these cultures to my lifestyle

 The Javanese language the tenth most spoken language in the world.  The oldest inscription goes back to 804 AD  Another interesting Javanese fact is that they have leather puppets called Wayang Kulits. They use these puppets to tell stories to their young children.  The Javanese are horticulturalists and emigrants, they have these gardens called "home gardens" where they grow plants and flowers.  These "homegardens" are sometimes even located in their home.  The Javanese have houses called jungle houses.  These settlements are usually small and rectangular most often 4 by 5 meters. Since the Igbo are very close with each other in their region, neighbors often provide help in assisting the building of homes.  One thing that has been known to destroy Igbo houses in Africa are white ants. This is similar in our society today because in large cities a large amount of people live very close to each other in apartment building.  However people who live in cities do not have gardens because they are in the city, while the Javanese and  live in an area where food plants and animals can survive.  However in my community I live in a suburban area in northern Kentucky where neighbors would not help you build your house and other structure in your home.  At the most a neighbor might help me move a couch and that is probably the most they would contribute to the building of a home in this modern society where everyone is in a hurry that they have to have a delivery service for groceries and food.  Another aspect I think is different in our American culture compared to theses three cultures is they are vey serious about their religion while today most people are not as devout and participate in their religious ceremonies.   

Lockard, Craig A. “The Javanese as Emigrant: Observations on the Development of Javanese Settlements Overseas.” Indonesia, vol. 11, 1971, p. 41., https://doi.org/10.2307/3350743. 

Adi, Yoga, and Yoga Adi. “30 Facts about Javanese Culture That You Should Know.” FactsofIndonesia.com, 24 Mar. 2020, https://factsofindonesia.com/facts-about-javanese-culture. 

Falola, Toyin, and Raphael Chijioke Njoku, eds. Igbo in the Atlantic World: African Origins and Diasporic Destinations. Indiana University Press, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt2005rxf.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Kyle Brungs

 The Javanese from Southeast Asia

Blog Post 4



“How the Mores of Indonesia's Biggest Ethnic Group Shape Its Politics.” The Economist, The Economist Newspaper, https://www.economist.com/asia/2019/05/23/how-the-mores-of-indonesias-biggest-ethnic-group-shape-its-politics. 

    The Javanese people of Southeast Asia are the largest ethnic group in the country of Indonesia on the island of Java.  The westward movement of Javanese people has contributed to the culture being the primary culture in West Java and Banten.  Theses people who move bring Gamelan music and different dances to the places they move to.  Like the United States the Javanese culture occupies  so many regions that different dances and objects have more than one word that describes them.  The Javanese language the tenth most spoken language in the world.  The oldest inscription goes back to 804 AD  Another interesting Javanese fact is that they have leather puppets called Wayang Kulits. They use these puppets to tell stories to their young children.  The Javanese are horticulturalists and emigrants, they have these gardens called "home gardens" where they grow plants and flowers.  These "homegardens" are sometimes even located in their home.  The Javanese have houses called jungle houses.  These settlements are usually small and rectangular most often 4 by 5 meters.  The house's frame is made of woods pillars.  The walls are made of bamboo, and the roof is made of thatched coconut leaves which overlap to ensure no rain can get in the house through the roof.  One aspect of Javanese homes that surprised me is there are no windows built into the house.  There also is no floor in these houses, the floor is the ground that lies beneath the house.  There is a little of variability between the houses though some people are considered upper class and have a more decorative and stronger style of roof.  This style is called limasan. " Houses of administrators or of high ranking people have a concrete large open pavilion in the front of their house this is called a pedapa  "stated by Jay R. Robert. The Javanese typically do not have a settlement pattern they start taking over an area when cousins and aunts and uncle decide to move out of the main village because it would become too crowded.  


Koentjaraningrat. 1976. “Javanese.” In Insular Southeast Asia : Ethnographic Studies, Frank M. LeBar, Compiler, i, 1–47. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files. https://ehrafworldcultures-yale-edu.northernkentuckyuniversity.idm.oclc.org/document?id=oe05-001.


Lockard, Craig A. “The Javanese as Emigrant: Observations on the Development of Javanese Settlements Overseas.” Indonesia, vol. 11, 1971, p. 41., https://doi.org/10.2307/3350743. 

Adi, Yoga, and Yoga Adi. “30 Facts about Javanese Culture That You Should Know.” FactsofIndonesia.com, 24 Mar. 2020, https://factsofindonesia.com/facts-about-javanese-culture. 

Friday, October 29, 2021


 Igbo. from Western Africa

Igbo people - Wikipedia

The igbo culture is from west Africa.  They are horticulturalists that occupy the present day Nigeria. 

 They are similar to Hinduism because they also have a caste system or a system of rank or class.  They do not believe that life ends at the point of death, they believe in reincarnation. According to  Chinwe Achebe"everyone goes  home’ from whence he came when his shopping is done, to begin afresh his continuous cycle of birth, death, reincarnation on a similar, higher or lower level of existence depending on how he had lived his previous life" Igbo homes are built of woods and stakes that are driven into the ground.  Since the Igbo are very close with each other in their region, neighbors often provide help in assisting the building of homes.  One thing that has been known to destroy Igbo houses in Africa are white ants.

Falola, Toyin, and Raphael Chijioke Njoku, eds. Igbo in the Atlantic World: African Origins and Diasporic Destinations. Indiana University Press, 2016. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt2005rxf.

Achebe, Chinwe. 1986. The World of the Ogbanje. Enugu, Nigeria: Fourth Dimension Publishers. https://ehrafworldcultures-yale-edu.northernkentuckyuniversity.idm.oclc.org/document?id=ff26-037.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Tiv Culture: 6 interesting facts about one of Nigeria's largest ethnic  groups - NigeriaSummary News

 Post 2 

I chose to do the Tiv culture and if and how milk is viewed in their culture.  Milk is viewed as being disgusting to the Tiv culture and is used only to nurse their young other than that there is no use for milk in their culture.  The Tiv are located in the country of Nigeria, they live on both side of Benue River.  In the Journal of the International African Institute states that the Tiv people  would not be interested in getting married if they did not have to maintain their family name.  Another interesting fact is if a python enters a home, this act is considered a sign of evil, the homeowner must then destroy that home and must go into exile and live the rest of his life with his wife's parents or relatives.  The Tiv are  horticulturalists or people that use tools to garden and grow foods.  However horticulturalists are not as intense at gardening as agriculturalists.  In the picture above the black and white robes and headwear is worn to remember zebras, the early Tiv population hunted zebras to survive,  which is why these black and white robes are the main clothes worn.

Bohannan, Paul. “Concepts of Time among the Tiv of Nigeria.” Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 9, no. 3 (1953): 251–62. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3628696.

Akiga, B. Sai. 1954. “The ‘Descent’ of the Tiv from Ibenda Hill.” Africa Vol. 24 (no. 4): 295–310. https://ehrafworldcultures.yale.edu/document?id=ff57-025.

Thursday, September 16, 2021



Broad Subject 


two subtopics

Settlement patterns


Doing my project on settlements seemed interesting to me because I always wondered what different cultures used to build their homes and any other buildings.

The Kanak are from Melanesia Oceania.

The Javanese are from Southeast Asia.

The Igbo are from Western Africa.

Konak Culture Nouvelle Calédonie 


Thursday, August 26, 2021

First Assignment (TEST)

 My favorite animal is a dog.

My favorite holiday is Saint Patrick’s day because I love the color .


 Kyle Brungs blog post 5 Comparing these cultures to my lifestyle  The Javanese language the tenth most spoken language in the world.  The o...